Trip Report on CPPP 19, the first edition of the first C++ french conference

Last Saturday marked the first occurrence of the CPPP, the first ever conference dedicated to C++ on the French soil, organized by Frédéric Tingaud and Joel Falcou. It was one of the lucky to be there for this very first edition, and it was quite an special moment to experience the birth of what promises... Continue Reading →

Pythagorean Triples in Modern C++

The post of Eric Niebler on standard ranges and the answer post of Aras (Modern C++ lamentations) generated quite a lot of heat in the C++ community lately. The discussion it triggered was quite interesting, with amazing answers such as the one of Ben Deane, but no answer was as intriguing to me as the... Continue Reading →

How to use tag dispatching in your code more effectively?

This post is an answer to the C++ blog post How to Use Tag Dispatching In Your Code Effectively. I read the article, its main example and the guideline it delivers, and I am not convinced it really works. This blog post aims at expressing my thoughts, offer an alternative simpler way to solve the... Continue Reading →

C++ Design Tip: Objects should not point back to an object that owns them

In today's post, we will be advising against storing back-pointers in objects. This is something that we can find in our code, and which unfortunately leads to bugs, decreased performance, code that is harder to reason about and cannot be used in generic algorithms such as the STL ones. We will first describe these numerous... Continue Reading →

Why template parameters of dependent type names cannot be deduced, and what to do about it

Following the presentation a type by any other name at the CppCon, a great talk that shows how to incrementally refactor code using tooling and type aliases, I got interested in one of the observation made by Jon Cohen: template parameters of dependent type names cannot be deduced. This short post aims at describing this... Continue Reading →

My CppCon 2017 Trip Report – 10 great talks to watch and learn from

The last edition of the CppCon 2017 just ended. As for the previous edition, it was a real pleasure to be there, discussing with talented and curious fellow developers, and watching great talks. In particular, I got the feel that the conference offered more diverse talks than the previous edition. Inspired by the trip report... Continue Reading →

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